Honors Algebra 2

how we function…

Welcome to Honors Algebra 2!


This is why we need units!

Welcome to Algebra 2!  This course is a continuation of what you learned in Algebra 1. If you have forgotten Algebra 1, that’s okay because we will review the first few weeks and bring you up to speed. What makes Algebra 2 different from Algebra 1 is that we will study many more functions. In Algebra 1, you studied mostly linear functions and you dabbled with the quadratic function. We will add to those absolute value, square root, cube root, cubic, inverse, rational, exponential, logarithmic, and polynomial functions. At the end of the year, we will venture into conics. So bring lots of paper, pencils and graph paper and get ready to learn.


In addition to posting the notes on the link below, if you are absent this year (2021-2022) I will be posting videos of our lessons on google classroom as they are available. Check your school email for any notifications from google classroom. Look for the corresponding assignment that is posted on this blog. If you have questions, bring your notes and your assignment with you to my classroom in the morning.

Please understand that posting the notes is a courtesy. You may have to “phone/text a friend” for a picture of their notes if my notes have not been posted yet.

If you know you are going to be out for extracurricular activities, please get your work before you leave.

When you are absent, then # of days out = # of days allowed to return work.

Don’t forget to turn in the assignment that was due on the day of your absence on the day of your return.

Link to Notes Factoring (MP3)

Link to Notes T7

Link to Notes T7B

Link to Notes T8/9 (word problems)

Link to Notes T8/9 (solving systems)

Link to Notes T10 (MP4)

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